Steven Gazal


Current lab members

Steven Gazal is an assistant professor at the Center for Genetic Epidemiology, in the Department of Population and Public Health Sciences at USC Keck School of Medicine, and in the department of Quantitative and Computational Biology at USC.

His research focuses on developing and applying statistical methods to understand the genetic basis of human diseases. His work is supported by an NHGRI Pathway to Independence Award and an NIGMS Maximizing Investigators Research Award (MIRA) for Early Stage Investigators.

Before USC, Steven was a postdoc and a research associate at the Harvard School of Public Health and in the Program in Medical and Population Genetics at the Broad Institute in the group of Alkes Price. Steven obtained his Ph.D. at the Fondation Jean Dausset CEPH, under the guidance of Anne-Louise Leutenegger and Emmanuelle Génin, while working as a statistical geneticist in Paris Hospitals.

Artem Kim
Postdoctoral Scholar

Zixuan (Eleanor) Zhang
PhD Student co-advised with Dr Mancuso

Tzu-Yu Huang
Master Student

Juehan Wang
PhD Student

Camellia Rui
PhD Student co-advised with Dr Mancuso

Yating Zeng
Master Student

Siliangyu (Helen) Cheng
PhD Student

Ashley Kasem
QCB Rotation Student



Changqing Su — MS, Biostatistics, 2021.
Jianing Yao — BS, Applied and Computational Mathematics , 2021.
Ruowen Wang - MS, Biostatistics, 2021.
Olivia Northcutt-Wyly — BS, Health and Human Sciences, 2021.